Magico is one of a handful high-end loudspeakers companies who develop their own drivers.
Our abilities to have full control over all drivers unique functionalities and parameters, allow us to build complete systems without the typical compromises many high-end loudspeakers manufacturer have to make.
Recent advances in break-up mode control of Beryllium diaphragms combined with our MR-1™ motor system led to the development of the MBe-1. The result is a tweeter with significantly wider extension, lower distortion and greater power handling than anything available on the market today.
Our Nano-Tec® drivers are the first transducers that use carbon nanotubes in their cone construction. These cones operate as perfect pistons throughout their entire operating range. The Nano-Tec® cones exhibit extraordinary strength and are also an efficient heat conductor. Their outer carbon skins are made of one of the strongest and stiffest materials known, both in terms of tensile strength and elastic modulus respectively.
A multi-walled carbon Nano-Tec® outer skin has a tensile strength of 63 GPa. In comparison, high-carbon steel has a tensile strength of approximately 1.2 GPa. Rohacell® foam is used as the core in our Nano-Tec®-skinned sandwich-cones.
The result is a cone that displays bending strength, self-damping and attenuation of ringing that are all an order of magnitude or more higher than that of conventionally manufactured cones. it is this attention to detail and relentless pursuit of the best attainable technology that defines MAGICO.
MAGICO’s robust, under-hung motor system, comprising a 75 mm titanium voice coil and a radical neodymium SD magnet system, reduces distortion levels to a fraction of those found in even the best commercially available alternatives.
A 0.15" thick, 4.9” diameter copper sleeve encapsulates the entire voice coil gap. It decreases the inductance from a typical 3.0 mH on an 5” voice coil to less than 0.3 mH at 1 KHz! This feature substantially reduces the driver’s non-linear and intermodulation distortion while increasing its overload-handling capability.
In the development of the Q7 Drivers a colossal effort was made to minimize Eddy currents in the iron parts of the under-hung motor system. Eddy currents are created by the voice coil movement and produce a chaotic magnetic fields which is working "against" the fixed magnetic field and thus create distortions. The best way to reduce these currents is to saturate the iron as much as possible. When the iron around the coil is totally saturated no induced flex can be develop, i.e. no Eddy currents.
In order to do that a lot of design, precision machining of the parts and huge magnets are required. In the picture you can see the flux density of our 10” motor system. The color purple represent fully statured iron, yellow is about 90% saturation. These are breakthrough performance which enables the voice coil to move without any electromagnetic obstructions ( the inductance of the woofer is measured at 0.085 mH!! )
Next photo will show the comparison between a Magico MG107 10” woofer and a high-end 10” woofer magnetic flux density. The flux in the plate is highly spotty with barely 10% saturation.